Loading WASM module... If this takes "a long time" it may have failed and the browser's dev console may contain hints as to why.

This page lists the SQLite3 APIs exported by sqlite3.wasm and exposed to clients by sqlite3.js. These lists are generated dynamically by loading the JS/WASM module and introspecting it, with the following caveats:

This page exposes a global symbol named sqlite3 which can be inspected using the browser's dev tools.

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sqlite3 Namespace

The sqlite3 namespace object exposes the following...

sqlite3.version Object

The sqlite3.version object exposes the following...

sqlite3_...() Function List

The sqlite3.capi namespace exposes the following sqlite3_...() functions...

= function is specific to the JS/WASM bindings, not part of the C API.

SQLITE_... Constants

The sqlite3.capi namespace exposes the following SQLITE_... constants...

sqlite3.oo1 Namespace

The sqlite3.oo1 namespace exposes the following...

sqlite3.wasm Namespace

The sqlite3.wasm namespace exposes the following...

sqlite3.wasm.pstack Namespace

The sqlite3.wasm.pstack namespace exposes the following...

Compilation Options

SQLITE_... compilation options used in this build of sqlite3.wasm...